Exterior Painting - Includes Labor, Paint, Equipment & Supplies
*Home Assumes Lead Positive - Lead Paint Precautions to be taken
Surfaces Include:
Main Home - Painted Brick, Carport Awning, Siding, Soffits, Fascia, Window Frames, Door Frames, Down Spouts, Gutters, and Front Door
Does not Include:
- Vinyl Windows
Exterior Scope of Work:
- Lead Precautions and Safety
- Tyvek Suits and Respirators to be worn during prep phase
- 3mil plastic to collect all paint chips; no sanding to be conducted
-Proper Surfaces Preparation on all unpainted areas
- Scraping of all peeling paint (no Sanding to be done)
- Priming of all Barewood surfaces
- Caulking of all window seams and siding gaps
- Masking and prepping of all windows prior to paint application
- (2) Coats Spray and Back Roll
Sherwin Williams Premium Exterior Paint - SuperPaint
*Any unforeseen damages or repairs will be an additional charge unless otherwise stated.